ARTC Inland Rail

ARTC Inland Rail
Contact Name: Lisa Clark
Phone: 0436 375 001
Business Address: 150 Wingewarra Street Dubbo NSW AU 2830
Postal Address 150 Wingewarra St DUBBO NSW 2830 Australia
Web Address:
Industry/Services: Rail
Company Description: Inland Rail is a 1,700km freight rail line that will connect Melbourne and Brisbane via regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. The Narromine to Narrabri project in mid-north western New South Wales is Inland Rail’s longest section of track. This 306km of new track is a crucial part of delivering our fast and reliable freight rail service between Melbourne and Brisbane. Inland Rail is bringing widespread and long-term benefits to Australia. It will better link producers, farmers and businesses to national and global markets, reduce our reliance on road freight, and generate new opportunities for industries and our regions.

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