DCFM 88.9 - Chamber Networking Breakfast
Chamber Breakfast
Date: Wednesday 05 September 2018
Time: 7am - 8.45am
Venue: Dubbo RSL Club
Sponsor: DCFM
Guest Speaker: George Frame - CEO Radio 88.9 Tamworth
Price: Chamber Members: $33, Non-Member: $44
RSVP: Monday 3rd September
Our guest speaker George Frame has had extensive experience in media over the last 30+ years. He's seen the changing faces of the industry, the impacts of those changes and the challenges that lie ahead.
Come along and hear from George and gain his insights into the past, present and future of the media industry.
Here's a brief bio of George's broad media career:
- Trained as broadcast technician NX FM Newcastle.
- 2TM/NEN 9 Tamworth engineer.
- Appointed announcer /studio manager 2MO Gunnedah.
- Regional Sales Manager 2LF Young.
- Regional Manager South Australian Broadcast Network.
- General Manager 2LT Lithgow.
- Network General Manager (Victoria) Cameron Broadcasting Network.
- Director Marketing and Promotions NBN Television Newcastle.
- Partner Hunter Advertising Agencies Group.
- Vice President CNN International.
- Management Exchange Program NBC TV Burbank, California.
- CEO TVSN International (Asia/Middle East).
- President Cable Communications (Aust) with Foxtel, ESPN, CNN.
- CEO Tamworth Broadcasting Inc radio 88.9fm