Information Session | NSW Junior Touch Football Event
Information Session | NSW Junior Touch Football Event

Date: Wednesday 23 November 2022
Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Venue: Dubbo RSL Starlite Room
Guest Speaker: Tracey Whillock | Dubbo Regional Council & Nicole Grose | Dubbo Touch Association
Price: Free
RSVP: Tuesday 22nd November 2022
Please join us on Wednesday 23rd November for an information session with Tracey & Nicole regarding the 2023 Junior Touch Football State Cup that has been announced to be hosted in our great City on the following dates | Friday 24th, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th February 2023.
This is the premier NSW Touch Football junior representative event and is conducted annually in late February.
We are super excited that Dubbo has been given the opportunity to host this event and we want to make sure it is a great one, smooth sailing and something that Dubbo may be able to host annually.
If you are a business that may see a rise in foot traffic from this event, i.e. Hospitality, Retail - particularly a Supermarket, Tourism etc. we suggest you attend this event to hear exactly when and what the families will be looking for while in Dubbo!