nbn Business Fibre Initiative for Dubbo - Information Session
nbn Business Fibre Initiative for Dubbo - Information Session

Date: Thursday 05 November 2020
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting
Guest Speaker: Mark Coulton & nbn
Price: Free
Join the Dubbo Chamber of Commerce, Minister Mark Coulton and the NBN Co for an online Zoom Meeting, Friday 6th November 2020, to discuss the recently announced Business Fibre initiative for Dubbo. As part of the initiative, nbn is offering enterprise ethernet services, with no up-front build costs. nbn has also flattened the traditional pricing structures to ensure regional areas have the same access to business-grade services as cities. Join us and learn how nbn business fibre can help your business grow and succeed. As part of the initiative, nbn will be introducing their new Community Engagement Manager for Western NSW, Paula Doran.
Please register with this link for the Zoom meeting. - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkdu6grDMsHtAvVpFSUbhqHkPbwscZecXk