Unleashing the Regional Power of AUKUS
Unleashing the Regional Power of AUKUS

Date: Monday 13 May 2024
Time: 10am - 2pm
Venue: The Exchange, 98 Macquarie St, Dubbo
Price: Free
The AUKUS Forum, in collaboration with Dubbo Regional Council, the Department of Regional NSW and the Industry Capability Network - ICN, invites businesses from across the Central West - across all industries - to learn about new opportunities from AUKUS.
Join us to hear from defence industry leaders, world leading researchers and industry experts as we build a whole new ecosystem to build the AUKUS Partnership.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
Register here - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/unleashing-the-regional-power-of-aukus-tickets-873053084277
Please Note - No media, no cameras, no mobile phone filming.
[9.30-10.00] Registration
[10.00-10.10] Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country - Mayor of Dubbo
[10.10-10.20] AUKUS Forum Advisory Board Co-Chairs are former Labor Defence Minister, the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon and former Liberal Minister and United States Ambassador, the Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO. We will hear from Joel Fitzgibbon and gain his perspectives on the AUKUS opportunities.
[10.20-10.40] About the AUKUS Forum and Unleashing the Power of AUKUS (Michael Sharpe - Director, AUKUS Forum) - Integrating Regional Manufacturing Businesses into the Defence Supply Chain. The Nuclear Taskforce and manufacturing opportunities with MissileCorp
[10.40-10.55pm] Charles Plenge - founding Partner of Veritas Asia Pacific. Veritas provides comprehensive services for all defence sectors—sea, land, and air. From concept development and systems engineering to detailed design, verification, validation, and system safety risk management.
[10.55 -11.10] We welcome Lt Colonel Jasmin Diab CSC to the AUKUS Forum Advisory Board and to talk about the nuclear industry and opportunities for Australia. Lt Col Diab is also a nuclear engineer and the current President of Women in Nuclear.
[11.10-11.25] Rurex - Byrock Explosives Test & Evaluation Centre - Managing Director and Founder of Rurex, Ryan Esam. Providing comprehensive solutions for testing, research, and disposal of explosives and dangerous goods. With over 25 years of boots-on-the-ground experience, Ryan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. He has worked across quarries, mine sites, and construction projects nationally and internationally.
[11.25-11.40] Jonathan Baker - LiteCorp - the leading honeycomb cardboard manufacturer and supplier in Australia. Potential Defence applications. Whether the required application be in the printing, packaging, display, warehousing, freight or construction industries, Lite Corp has a cost-effective and customisable honeycomb cardboard solution that is strong, lightweight, environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable.
[11.40-11.55] UTS Tech Lab - Ivan Chua, National Security & Space, Faculty of Engineering and IT. Collaboration with industry and world leading research for Defence and beyond.
[12pm - 1pm] Lunch – Networking