February 2012 Newsletter No 5

February 2012 Newsletter No 5

Chamber Members - Saturday, February 11, 2012


If you haven’t already done so, a gentle reminder that membership renewals are now due and must be completed online at: http://dubbochamber.com.au/2011/MemberArea/member-application 

Remember, the 5% discount applied to membership fees finishes on 17 February 2012, so we urge members to go online this week to take advantage of the discount.

For those organisations that require an invoice, please also note that YOU MUST STILL ENTER YOUR DETAILS ONLINEIn the payment options choose, pay be cheque  and we will know to send you an invoice.

Serving local businesses

This week, Chamber President Sandy Dunshea and Chair of the Lobby Committee Sandy Dunshea met with NSWPrimary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson and Dubbo MP and Parlimentary Secretary for Natural Resources, Troy Grant to provide input on behalf of the Dubbo business community on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. The 3 main concerns tabled by the Chamber include the cost of water; the impact on growth if supply is restricted; and how the Government manages any scheme - we certainly don't want to see the mismanagement that occurred with the BRE.

New Members:

This month, the Board welcomes the Dubbo Office of Workcover Authority of NSW and Imajenit Commercial Photography & Communication.

March Networking Events

March is shaping into a month with lots of opportunities to network and expand your knowledge about what’s happening in Dubbo and across the world.

On Wednesday March 7, Joe Barrett from Cobbora Holdings will be providing an update to members and guests on the status of the Cobbora Coal Project, which we believe will have an impact on Dubbo’s future growth.

On March 29, with Dubbo City Council, we will be bringing Alan Greenspan to Dubbo, via a live video link, which will enable members and guests to ask questions of Alan from the floor.

We are working with Bosweb to establish a new online booking and payment system for our networking events, and as soon as the new system is live, we will let you know, so that you can reserve your place.

Board Vacancies

With the resignation of long standing Board member John Gordon, the 2012 Board has five vacancies on it. This is not unusual, but the 2012 Board is keen to fill the vacancies.

If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please contact the President, Sandy Dunshea on 02 6884 2222.

Under the new WHS laws, what does Due Diligence mean?

At our members breakfast in February, Ian Shepherd spent some time during his presentation talking to members and guests about due diligence.

Officers must exercise due diligence, which at its simplest, requires an officer to concentrate on managing the work health and safety (WHS) risks of the business or undertaking. 

Achieving a high standard of due diligence requires persistent examination and care to ensure that the resources and systems of the PCBU are adequate to comply with all its WHS obligations. Where the officer relies on the expertise of a manager or other person, that reliance must be reasonable and their expertise must be verified. 

The reasonable steps officers must take to ensure they are exercising due diligence includes, but is not limited to:
  • acquiring and keeping up to date with knowledge of WHS matters
  • gaining an understanding of the PCBUs business operations and the associated hazards and risks
  • ensuring the PCBU has available for use, and uses, the appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety
  • ensuring the PCBU has appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards and risks and responding in a timely way to that information
  • ensuring the PCBU implements processes for complying with any duty or obligation under the WHS Act
  • verifying the provision and use of resources and processes required for compliance.

For more information visit www.workcover.nsw.gov.au

Members News:

The opening show of DRTCC’s 2012 Season is on the Saturday night and features the original stars of the Premiere Australian Production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's, The Phantom of the Opera. Tickets can still be purchased for the DRTCC season opener at www.drtcc.com.au 

2012 DRTCC Season Opener 

Scolari Comerford Chartered Accountants has announced that they will be hosting a complimentary “Marketing Matters Seminar” for local business owners on the 21st February, 2012 at their offices in Dubbo.

The 3 hour marketing seminar has been carefully designed by the accountancy firm and their business coaching arm 10X, to improve and facilitate the growth of businesses and help overcome the number one hurdle in the Dubbo region – marketing.

2012 Feb SCCA Marketing Matters

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